Ng'amuriak Community Rain Water Harvesting Project

Sonntag, 10. Januar 2016

Xavier Genton

Global Grant Record - GG1634557

Grant Title - Ng'amuriak Community Rain Water Harvesting Project

Status - Draft

District Number 9212 (Qualified)



Your application has been assigned the reference number GG1634557 , which you can use for tracking and when communicating with The Rotary Foundation or colleagues.



In a few short sentences, tell us your objectives for this global grant.

Ng'amuriak community is located on the northern border of Naboisho Conservancy in Narok County - deep in the famous Maasai Mara region.

During our needs assessment visit to the Ngamuriak Village, we established that accessing clean water is a huge challenge for the community - being at heart of a semi arid region. Residents of Ng'amuriak currently walk up to 5km to reach water resulting in a daily 10km round trip. The water that they walk this distance to collect is not currently suitable

for drinking.

The women are the hardest hit considering that they have to bear the burden of walking long distances in search of clean drinking water, in addition to their normal household chores and talking care of young children of their society.

The precise location suggested is a community-owned plot of land where a new small nursery/primary school and church are currently located.

The primary objective of this global grant is to establish a Community rain water harvesting project which will involve construction of a large artificial rain water catchment area and water storage tank which hygienically captures enough rain water to serve an entire community.

In addition, this grant will involve some economic empowerment activities targeting the women who are expected to free up a lot of time once the water project is successfully established.


Who will benefit from this global grant?

Provide the estimated number of direct beneficiaries.

The specific area identified has a total of 28 homesteads within 2km from the proposed project site. In this area there is an average of 6.1 houses per homestead, and 3.19 people per house. This means that there are approximately 545 people living within the identified area.

Within the community there are 13 groups of Masai women and approximately 150 women. It is expected that the water project will significantly lighten the burden of these woman and free time for them to engage in income-earning activities.

The women are interested in having their own money to meet health needs or school related expenses for their children.

A fact-finding mission from our Club went and met a large group of women who had been previously convened for the consultation. All of the women are interested in participating in the initiative that will build on their expertise in bead work and is culturally aligned with their current habits. During the consultation with the women, they unanimously expressed

interested in growing their technical and design capacity in addition to their business knowledge. The economic empowerment component of the project component is focused on this opportunity.

Which of the following activities will this global grant fund?

Humanitarian project

Where will your project take place?

Community: Ngamuriak

City or Village: Narok

Country: Kenya

When do you anticipate your project will take place?

From: 2016-01-10 Until: 2016-04-30

Outline your project implementation schedule.

No. Activity                                                                                                   Duration

1:     Implementation of the Water Harvesting Project                                  6 weeks

2:     Implementation of Economic Empowerment Activities                         6 Weeks

3:     Operation and Maintenance training of the water infrastructure           2 Weeks



What community needs will your project address and how were these needs identified?

Provide any relevant data or survey results

This project will address 2 key needs: Access to Clean Water and Economic Empowerment activities.

The water challenge is prevalent issue in the targeted area considering the natural geographical and climatic conditions.

The area can be described as arid and semi arid with long dry spells and short rainy seasons. As a result, grazing of livestock is the main economic activities for the men while the women have to take care of the families and the homesteads. Both the men and women are forced to travel long distances in search of water for the livestock and for the

homesteads. The women are more affected considering that they not only have to cover the distances but also have to ferry the water on their backs, not withstanding the homestead chores of cooking and taking of the children. The children are also not spared as they often have to assist their parents with the boys helping out with the animals and the girls

working with the mothers, as a result they end up skipping school for number of days.

We first learnt about the situation when one of our partners visited our Rotary Club and made a presentation to us about the community. We then proceeded to conduct our own needs assessment visit where we saw the issues first hand and also got a chance to interact with the community representatives.

From a technical report presented by our partners, it was established that at present the homesteads in Ng'amuriak and Enooronkon travel to a water project in Olesere (see attached Map) for drinking water. This borehole water is very high in

fluoride, beyond fit for human consumption levels, and is up to 6km away. This is a 12km round walk for the women.

Attached is a technical report with additional details.

During our interaction with the women, it was very clear that Water was a major problem consuming a lot of their time and energy. We therefore conceptualized the water harvesting project along with an economic empowerment component engage the women as they free up the time and energy that they used to spend looking for water.


Detail how your project will address these community needs?


The Water harvesting project is will address the water problem by capturing as much rainfall as possible during the rainy seasons.

The water tank is estimated to be able to provide 600 people with clean water all year round at 5 lt. per person per day. In addition, the project will support horticulture whereby the women will be engaged in economic activities including tree

planting, vegetables growing and developing of craft items for sale under the shade are that will be provided.


How were members of the local community involved in planning the project? Does your project align with any current or ongoing local initiatives?


The members of the community have already identified their representatives and have offered to support the project by providing labor and some local materials towards the project.

The community members have donated 6 acres of land that will be utilized to put up the project. The quest for accessible clean water has always united the community owing to the prevalent challenges they have been experiencing over the years. It was therefore easy for the community to come together in support of this project;

Describe any training, community outreach, or educational programs, if applicable, and who will conduct them.

How will recipients be selected?

In partnership with the local community trusts that exist in the area; We intend to partner with them to conduct training activities with the existing groups of women that have already in existence. The community will also benefit from hygiene training and operation and maintenance training that will be conducted by the selected contractor in collaboration with the local public health officials.


Areas of Focus

Disease prevention and treatment

Which goals will your activity support?


Educating and mobilizing communities to help prevent the spread of major diseases


How will you meet these goals?

At the water collection points we'll have chlorine dispensers taps that the community will use to treat their water before transporting it to their homesteads. This is to ensure the we reduce the spread of water related diseases.

In addition, the water treatment aspect will also be combined with hygiene training which will be continued by the community health workers on a regular basis.


How will you measure your impact?

No. Measure                        Measurement Method           Measurement Schedule   Target

1: Number of communities

    reporting decrease in cases

     of disease(s) targeted      Focusgroups/interviews:          Every month                   20-49


Who will be responsible for collecting information for monitoring and evaluation?

Selected community health workers


Water and sanitation

Which goals will your activity support?

Providing equitable community access to safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene;Strengthening the ability of communities to develop, fund and maintain sustainable water and sanitation systems;Supporting programs that enhance communities' awareness of the benefits of safe water, sanitation and hygiene.


How will you meet these goals?


Constructing a community Rain water harvesting system that includes the construction of a collection tank with a capacity of 225,000 liters and an artificial roof for collection of 30 by 30 cubic meters.

The community role of cleaning the roof catchment and tank periodically will ensure the infrastructure is well maintained.

The operation and maintenance training and addition of hygiene training will help the community to observe good hygiene and sanitation standards when using the infrastructure

The water treatment will also enhance the importance of using treated water at all times which will reduce the level of water related diseases cases reported


How will you measure your impact?


No.  Measure Measurement                   Method Measurement         Shedule              Target

1:Number of people with access

to improved sources of drinking water    Surveys/questionnaires   Every three months 20-49

2:Number of people with access to

    disinfected water through household

    water treatment                                   Surveys/questionnaires   Every three months 20-49


Who will be responsible for collecting information for monitoring and evaluation?

The identified community health workers

Economic and community development


Which goals will your activity support?

Building the capacity of entrepreneurs, community leaders, local organizations, and community networks to support economic development in impoverished communities;


Developing opportunities for productive work

How will you meet these goals?

The project will support and encourage Masai women interested in developing as artisans and traders in beaded jewelry and accessories. The activities would include:

• Providing a mini-inventory of raw materials. Each participant will receive an initial inventory kit providing a variety of bead colors, thread, wire, leather and needles.

• Technical training to improve the quality of production

• Exposing the women to new designs and variations on traditional designs

• Training them in business and marketing basics. The basic premise is that even small profits empower women.

Basic book-keeping skills and order management

Access local and non-local markets

Build production competence

Business communication



The project reinforces a limited initiative that introduced the table banking with the women and facilitated some groups in getting licenses to sell their handicrafts in curio shops.

How will you measure your impact?


No. Measure Measurement  Method   Measurement Schedule           Target


Number of individuals trained          Focus groups/interviews        Every month 100-499


Other the progressive increase

     in objective quality control acceptance

     rates.The increase in

     design templates and

      innovative productproduction.          Direct observation                   Every month 20-49


Who will be responsible for collecting information for monitoring and evaluation?


Local Trainers will be identified from the fast learners to take up a leadership role of continuous training as well as monitoring and evaluation.


Primary Contacts


Name                       Club                          Role                        Sponsoredby      Serving as

Joseph Nyagari       Hurlingham-Nairobi   (Primary Contact)         Club                  Host

Xavier Genton         Wien-Donau              (Primary Contact)         Club             International

Committee Members

# Name                                Club                         Role


Angela Radford                 Hurlingham-Nairobi (Secondary Host Contact)


Gitonga Kathurima            Hurlingham-Nairobi (Secondary Host Contact)


Nancy Koech                     Hurlingham-Nairobi (Secondary Host Contact)


Joseph Rugut                    Hurlingham-Nairobi (Secondary Host Contact)


Franklin Masinde               Hurlingham-Nairobi (Secondary Host Contact)


No Rotarian who has a vested interest in the activity (e.g., an employee or board member of a cooperating organization, owner of a store where project goods will be purchased, trustee of a university that a scholar plans to attend) may serve on the grant committee. If any potential conflict of interest exists, disclose it here.

Describe your process for selecting this organization. What resources or expertise will this organization contribute?



No. Name Email


Identify the responsibilities of the volunteer traveler(s) and the specific tasks that each individual will complete.



List any additional partners who will participate and identify their responsibilities. This may include Rotary clubs, Rotaract clubs, Rotary Community Corps, or individuals.


The training will be designed and delivered by architect Elisabetta Capolino. Elisabetta founded her first company and brand in Kenya called "Le Collane di Betta" in 1998. In July 2015 she was nominated to be knighted into the "Order of the Stella d'Italia" and receive Italy's highest recognition of Italian excellence abroad.

Thanks to her architectural training, Elisabetta's designs synthesize a deep cultural appreciation with mastery of shape, form, space and symmetry.

Through her Kenyan companies, Elisabetta has forged the finest team of master artisans in Eastern Africa. These craftsmen are adept in using local material and traditional techniques and are able to combine them with the knowledge of European goldsmiths. Her companies work with women's cooperatives and under-privileged workers wherever possible.

Further, she was chosen by Google to mentor the winners of their Young Kenyan Designers award.

Elisabetta's Kenyan creations have been displayed in numerous exhibitions in Africa and Europe and her designs are seen sold all over the world. Her creations have appeared in fashion magazines, such as Elle, Harpers & Queen, Vogue, Marie Clare and Arise.



Describe the role of the host Rotarians in this activity and list their specific responsibilities.

Apart from supporting the fundraising component, The host Rotarians will take the primary responsibility of implementation of the project including, engagement with suppliers, site visits and compiling of the reports.

Describe the role of the international Rotarians in this activity and list their specific responsibilities.

Apart from supporting the fundraising component, The International Rotarians will be kept updated on all activities and will also have a chance to contribute their ideas as the project progresses. The Rotarians will also be invited to major milestones such as project launch and project handover.



Describe the role that members of the local community will play in implementing your project. What incentives (e.g., compensation, awards, certification, promotion) will you provide to encourage local participation?


The local community has already formed a committee that compromises of both men and women. The responsibility of the committee is to hold regular meetings to review the progress of the project and address any arising challenges.

To ensure local ownership, we have also tasked the committee to assist in mobilizing labour, local materials and to actively participate in the construction of the water project as well as economic empowerment activities.

Upon successful completion of the project we intend to maintain contact with the community, including inviting them to some of our Rotary functions to showcase and sell the bead works and also to highlight the impact of the project to their community.


Identify any individuals in the local community who will be responsible for monitoring outcomes and ensuring continuity of services.  How will you support these individuals to help them take on this leadership role?




Select the local currency for your budget and enter the current rate of exchange to 1 U.S. dollar. Obtain the current RI exchange rate from Rotary's website. If your country is not on the official RI exchange rates list, visit the Oanda or Bloomberg website to obtain the current rate.

Detail your proposed expenses by adding items to the budget. Note that the total budget must be equal to the total financing of your activity.

Local currency:

KES Exchange rate to 1 USD: 103

No.   Description      Supplier         Category       Local cost (KES)                  Cost in USD


3,600 m2                 AWB       Projectmanagement         1,174,200.00              $ 11,400.00


          roof area

2.     2 x 250,000

        litre tank           AWB              Equipment                2,348,400.00              $ 22,800.00

3:    Miscellaneous

       costs (e.g. tap

         stands, piping,

          etc.)                TBC               Supplies                       365,000.00              $ 3,544.00

4:    Economic


       Materials          Elisabetta

                               Capolino           Supplies                        390,000.00                $3,786.00


5: Economic


     Equipment         Local Supplier   Equipment                      65,000.00                  $631.00

6: Economic


      Training                 Elisabetta

                                    Capolino         Training                       165,000.00                $1,602.00

7: Economic


     Travel &


       for trainers           Local                Travel                        180,000.00                 $1,748.00


                                                                          Total budget: 4,687,600.00            $45.511,0




Describe the process for selecting these budget items. Do you plan to purchase any items from local vendors?

Have you performed a competitive bidding process to select vendors? Do these budget items align with the local culture and technology standards?

How will the beneficiaries maintain these items? If applicable, confirm that spare or replacement parts are readily available and that the beneficiaries possess the skills to operate equipment.

Who will own the items purchased with grant funds at the end of the project, including equipment, assets, and materials? Note that items cannot be owned by a Rotary club or Rotarian.



The Rotary Foundation funds global grants from the World Fund, and awards range from US$15,000 to US$200,000. The Foundation matches cash contributions at 50 percent and District Designated Fund (DDF) contributions at 100 percent. The Foundation will also match non-Rotarian contributions toward a grant, provided they do not come from a cooperating organization or a beneficiary.

To determine the World Fund match for your global grant, list all sources of funding, specifying contributions from cash, DDF, and other sources. Non Rotarian contributions with no match from TRF can be included in the grant financing if they are being used to purchase grant budget items. These contributions should not be sent to

TRF. Note that the total financing must be equal to the total budget of your activity.


NOTE: Any grant cash contributions sent to TRF must include an additional to support processing expenses.

After you have added all funding sources and the requested World Fund match, click "Save" to save your grant


# Funding Method                               Organization                                Amount (USD)

1Cash from club                                  Hurlingham-Nairobi                        $6,000.00

2Cash from club                                  Wien-Donau                                 $10,000.00

3District Designated Fund (DDF)         1910                                            $10,000.00

4 District Designated Fund (DDF)         9212                                             $1,000.00

DDF contributions:  $11000

Cash contributions: $16000

Other contributions:

Endowed/Term gift contributions: 0

World Fund match maximum:: $ 19000

World Fund match (requested):$18550

Total financing:            $ 45.550,00

Total Budget:               $ 45.511,00



Have you identified a local funding source to ensure long-term project outcomes? Will you introduce practices to help generate income for ongoing project funding?


We plan to include some economic empowerment activities that will involve training activities for the women who will take advantage of the shade area under the collection roof.

The community also be involved in managing the supply of water at a small cost to the community which will be saved in a water kitty to take care of any maintenance activities hence contribute to the sustainability of the project



Application Authorization

By submitting this global grant application, we agree to the following:

1. All information contained in this application is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate, and we intend to

implement the activities as presented in this application.

2. The club/district agrees to undertake these activities as a club/district.

3. We will ensure all cash contributions (as detailed in the grant financing) will be forwarded to The Rotary Foundation (TRF) or sent directly to the global grant bank account after Trustee approval of the grant.

4. Rotary International (RI) and TRF may use information contained in this application to promote the activities by various means such as The Rotarian, the RI international convention, RVM: The Rotarian Video Magazine, etc.

5. We agree to share information on best practices when asked, and TRF may provide our contact information to other Rotarians who may wish advice on implementing similar activities.

6. To the best of our knowledge and belief, except as disclosed herewith, neither we nor any person with whom we have or had a personal or business relationship are engaged, or intend to engage,in benefiting from TRF grant funds or have any interest that may represent a potential competing or conflicting interest. A conflict of interest is defined as a situation

in which a Rotarian, in relationship to an outside organization, is in a position to influence the spending of TRF grant funds, or influence decisions in ways that could lead directly or indirectly to financial gain for the Rotarian, a business colleague, or his or her family, or give improper advantage to others to the detriment of TRF.

Primary Contact Authorizations

Role                       Name                      Authorization Status                Authorization Date

Primary Contact     Joseph Nyagari

Primary Contact     Xavier Genton

DRFC Authorizations

Role                                                          Name  Authorization Status Authorization Date

District Rotary Foundation Chair (DRFC) Varinder Sur

District Rotary Foundation Chair (DRFC) Arno Wilhelm Kronhofer

DDF Authorizations


Providing equitable community access to safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene;Strengthening the
ability of communities to develop, fund and maintain sustainable water and sanitation systems;Supporting
programs that enhance communities’ awareness of the benefits of safe water, sanitation and hygiene


$ 45.511,00


Schwerpunkt: Wasser und Hygiene
Projekttyp: International
Projektart: Global Grant
Projektnummer: GG1634557
Land: Kenia
Ort: Ng’amuriak community
Projektzeitraum: 10.01.2016 - 30.04.2017
Kontaktperson: Xavier Genton


Internationaler Partner
Club: Wien-Donau
Distrikt: 1910

Host Partner
Club: Hurlingham-Nairobi
Distrikt: Kenia